Pending action by the Spanish Council of Ministers today on an economic plan to prevent the dismissal of workers and the closure of companies due to the crisis of the coronavirus, the Catalan Government has established aid in the form of financial benefits for the self-employed.

The Catalan Minister of Employment, Social Affairs and Families, Chakir el Homrani, explained this morning on the radio programme of RAC1, which have approved a budget line of EUR 7.5 million to implement an aid plan for self-employed in Catalonia. The intention is to approve the decree as soon as possible and to start all the procedures so that the aids can be managed as soon as possible.

This aid would be in the form of a financial benefit for self-employed workers of up to 2,000 euros per person.

Who will be eligible for this aid?

– To access the aid, you must be registered with the self-employed scheme and have your fiscal address at Catalonia.

– Accreditation of economic losses during this month of March compared to March of the year past or a drastic reduction in turnover

This benefit will be distributed until the budget item is exhausted. This aid shall be complementary to the measures that the Council of Ministers may take today.




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