On Thursday 19 March came into force the Decreto Ley 7/2020 of 17 March on measures in the field of public procurement, transport, tax management, hospital waste treatment and transparency, approved by the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
The following is a description of the measures adopted in relation to the field concerned, with particular emphasis on those of a social and economic nature, excluding health measures.
In relation to public procurement:
– Certain measures are adopted in relation to the fulfilment of certain contracts currently in force in sectors of activity highly affected by the situation generated. Specifically:
- 1. The execution of certain contracts for educational centres and public buildings, facilities and equipment in Catalonia has been suspended. The duration of the suspension will run from 14 March 2020 until the date on which the closure order is lifted.
- 2. The execution of other local authority contracts is suspended.
- 3. Contracts for works and related services or assistance contracted by the Administration of the Generalitat or its public sector are also suspended.
– It is foreseen the possibility of implementing meeting boards that meet without face-to-face assistance. In addition, the emergency processing by local entities is authorised in certain cases.
– The Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Generalitat is authorised to use emergency procedures for a number of essential services and supplies.
In relation to the self-employed:
– Under certain conditions, a maximum aid of 2,000 euros is foreseen for self-employed workers, in order to alleviate the reduction of their economic activity as a result of the pandemic. The following requirements must be met:
- – to be registered in the special social security regime for self-employed workers.
- – to have their tax domicile in a municipality of Catalonia.
- – to have their activity paralysed as a result of the pandemic, and at the same time to demonstrate a drastic and involuntary reduction in turnover.
- – to accredit economic losses in the month of March 2020, compared to the same month of the previous year. In case of less than 1 year, the comparison will be made with the average monthly benefits of the discharge.
In the area of tax matters:
– The deadlines for filing and paying taxes are suspended. Specifically, it is established the suspension of the submission of self-assessments and payment of taxes belonging to the Generalitat de Catalunya and the taxes transferred to it.
In matters of transparency:
– Requests for access to public information may only be submitted electronically while the provisions and measures of containment adopted are in force.
In relation to public transport:
– The need is foreseen to evaluate the impact that the decrease with regard to fare revenues will have on the transport system, as well as to include within the economic forecasts the increase in the expenses of public transport operators as a result of a greater use of material and personal resources.